Early Years
Our Nursery is able to offer forty part-time places. Places are allocated following the guidelines set out by Stockport Local Authority. All parents/carers are entitled to 15 hours free per week and this may increase to 30 hours dependent on income. If the nursery is not full, and you are not entitled to the free 30 hours, there may be the opportunity to purchase additional sessions. Please contact the school office on 0161 428 5445 if you feel you may be interested.
The Nursery children share a classroom with the Reception children in order to provide an all-round experience of the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. Seven areas of learning are prescribed consisting of three prime areas (Personal, Social and Emotional Development; Physical Development and Communication and Language) and four specific areas (Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design). The three prime areas underpin the whole of each child’s learning which is based around purposeful play.
The Nursery children are taught by the Early Years Leader, Mrs Goodwin, and Miss Twyford, the Early Years Nursery Nurse, supported by Mrs Chantler, Support/Teaching Assistant.
The Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum continues through from Nursery into our Reception class and leads naturally onto the National Curriculum in Year 1. The teaching staff remain the same, ensuring continuity in the children's learning. In the Reception class, the emphasis remains on learning through purposeful play, focusing on the same three prime areas (Personal, Social and Emotional Development; Physical Development and Communication and Language) and four specific areas (Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design). This curriculum may be continued into Year 1, dependent on the individual needs of the children.