Remote Learning

Please look at the Remote Learning Policy in the policy section.

Remote Learning and Support during the Pandemic

During the pandemic we have had to develop our practice to accommodate children both in school and at home during lockdowns and during times when children are expected in school.  The policy sets out what we will do to support children who are not in school. (See school policies).

If your child’s bubble closes, we will provide live lessons and a work pack to support the lessons.  We can print these for you, give you pens, pencils, paper/ books etc and loan you a chrome book if needed.

If your child is isolating and the rest of the class are in school, we will provide you with links to videos of lessons and a work pack to support the lessons. We can print these for you, give you pens, pencils, paper/ books etc and loan you a chrome book if needed.

We provide pastoral support in school and virtually for our children, if you or your child are feeling anxious or worried, please contact Miss Ratcliffe our Pastoral Manager, she has a wealth of resources and activities that help.

Please contact school if you need any support at all during the pandemic, we are able to support with food vouchers, food boxes, uniform help etc.  If you need it and we can help, we will. We’re on the end of the phone on 0161 428 5445 you can email or contact us through your class dojo app.

Find Us

Ladybridge Primary School

Councillor Lane, Cheadle, Cheshire SK8 2JF

Emma Hill and Tom Bolan-Ashworth

T: 0161 428 5445
