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At our school, we want to instil a sense of enjoyment around using technology and to develop pupil’s appreciation of its capabilities and the opportunities that it has to offer. We follow the KAPOW scheme as part of the ethos is exploring software and programs in order to develop pupils’ confidence when encountering new technology, which is a vital skill in the ever evolving and changing landscape of technology. At Ladybridge, we model and educate our pupils on how to use technology positively, responsibly and safely. We want our pupils to be creators not consumers and our broad curriculum encompassing computer science, information technology and digital literacy reflects this.

We want our pupils to understand that there is always a choice with using technology and as a school we utilise technology to model positive use. We recognise that the best prevention for a lot of issues we currently see with technology/social media is through education. This guidance equips children for life in the digital world, including their understanding of appropriate online behaviour. 

The KAPOW scheme of work enables pupils to meet end of Key Stage targets outlined by the National Curriculum. We combine this guidance with our PSHE curriculum with events such as Safer Internet Day to ensure that our children are as knowledgeable as possibly when it comes to keeping themselves safe online.


We are currently following a scheme of work provided by KAPOW primary. It is designed with the three strands of computing running throughout: computer science; digital literacy; information technology. Skills are built up as the children progress through the school to ensure that targets are met by the end of each key stage.  The KAPOW scheme is organised into five key areas: computing systems and networks; programming; creating media; data handling; online safety. At Ladybridge, we aim to deliver a broad and balances curriculum allowing cross curricular links (where meaningful).

Lessons incorporate a range of teaching strategies from independent task, paired work and digital activities. This variety means that lessons are engaging and accessible to those with a variety of learning styles. At our school, we have a class set of chromebooks and a set of ipads that are timetables adequately to ensure that each year group has the opportunity to work with technology. Each year group is allocated a one hour slot a week, with the chance to ‘book’ additional slots for their class at other unallocated times.

Strong subject knowledge is vital for staff to be able to deliver highly effective and robust lessons. Each of the units available on KAPOW include a teacher video in order to develop subject knowledge of support ongoing CPD.


The impact of the KAPOW scheme can be constantly monitored by the use of both formative and summative assessment. Each unit includes a quiz and ‘knowledge catcher’ which can be used at the start and end of each unit.

Our aim is for the pupils to leave our school equipped with a range of skills which enable them to succeed in their secondary education and be active participants in in the ever-increasing digital world.

The expected impact following the KAPOW scheme is that children will:

·Be critical thinkers.

·Understand the importance that computing will hold in both their personal and working lives.

·Understand how to balance time spent on technology and time spent away from it in an appropriate manner.

·Be able to use technology both individually and collaboratively.

·Be aware of issues behind online safety and protocols that they can implement to deal with inappropriate behaviour.

Find Us

Ladybridge Primary School

Councillor Lane, Cheadle, Cheshire SK8 2JF

Emma Hill and Tom Bolan-Ashworth

T: 0161 428 5445
