Pupil Premium

Pupil premium is a Government grant provided directly to schools and from September 2012 schools have been required to provide details to parents about how this grant has been deployed.

The aim of the Pupil Premium is to support schools to narrow the gap between our most vulnerable pupils and the rest of the children.  The performance of all groups, including disadvantaged, is regularly monitored and provision amended. The impact of this is discussed with each teacher at the termly progress meetings.  Governors will look annually at the attainment and progress of all groups of pupils and consider the impact on the achievement of pupil premium children.

The amount of Pupil Premium allocated to a school depends on numbers of pupils entitled to Free School Meals and, in recent years, this was extended to total numbers entitled within the last six years.  Increases in the amount of funding Ladybridge Primary School receives is reflected in this and those funds have been used to improve attainment.

The introduction of Universal Free School Meals for Reception and Key Stage 1 children has discouraged parents from applying for Free School Meals while their children are in these age groups. This has a direct effect on our resources and we would encourage all parents whose children are entitled to Free School Meals to apply: if you are unsure, please speak to our school administrative staff who are there to help.

Statement of Intent

Rationale - At Ladybridge we feel that all children have the ability to succeed in education.  As an inclusive school we have high aspirations for all of our pupils.  As well as the 45% of children entitled to Pupil Premium funding Ladybridge has a high population of disadvantaged pupils who are not entitled to pupil premium funding, we know this through our relationships with parents and the number of services that we work with that support our disadvantaged families. The school’s location is in quintile 5 for deprivation indicators. 

Ladybridge currently has 45% children entitled to pupil premium funding this is higher than national which was 24.6% in 2024.  Ladybridge has a high percentage of children with SEND who are part of the pupil premium cohort, pupil analysis shows that our SEND population often have 2 or 3 barriers to learning.  We have an increasing group of children with English as an Additional Language and children who are asylum seekers or refugees. We ensure that our pupil premium planning is inclusive of the nine protected characteristics listed in the 2010 Equality act and value our diverse families, giving support when needed.

Intention – Our pupil premium children will attend school in line with non-pupil premium children (at least 95%).  Our pupil premium children will make good progress from their starting points; they will have a sense of well-being, they will not be hungry, they will have clothes that are suitable for the season and as a result will have good behaviour for learning and will achieve well. 

Implementation – Pupil premium data is scrutinised at termly pupil progress meetings; children are identified for curriculum interventions based on this data.  Children complete a well-being survey, children’s scores are analysed and children with low self-esteem or low mood work with the Pastoral Manager on interventions that help to improve mental health and low mood.  Breakfast club, uniform, equipment etc. are given as needed to children living in poverty.  The school links with agencies such as the Ethnic Diversity Service, Startwell etc. to support our refugee and asylum seeker families and ensure that children have support with language development and inclusion in our cohorts.  The school has a half termly Team Around the School meeting with a range of agencies such as School Age Plus workers, Social Workers, School Nurse etc. to ensure that all barriers (not just academic) can be can be supported.

Impact – Our pupil premium cohort will achieve at least in line with national pupil premium children, we aspire that they will achieve in line with non-pupil premium children; progress will be at least good – one academic year’s progress each year or better. Pupil premium children who are also SEND children will make good progress in line with their SEND support plan targets.  Pupil Premium children will have a sense of well-being and good attendance (at least 95%).  




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Find Us

Ladybridge Primary School

Councillor Lane, Cheadle, Cheshire SK8 2JF

Emma Hill and Tom Bolan-Ashworth

T: 0161 428 5445

E: headteacher@ladybridge.stockport.sch.uk