
Our wonderful library is a fabulous resource for children of all ages. At Ladybridge, we are keen to instil and retain a love of reading throughout the school, and our library is a perfect place to do this.

One of out HLTAs, Mrs Liz Milner, has taken on the role of our librarian and has created a comfortable and magical space to foster a love of books.

Every class has the opportunity to visit the library on a weekly rota, and each class has a breaktime slot to return their book and spend time choosing a new one, Mrs Milner is there to advise children and facilitate this.

Our Year 6s are proud to take on the role of junior librarians, reading to younger children and helping them to find exciting and inspiring texts during lunchtimes.

Frequently asked questions

What type of books are available?

Everything from fiction to non-fiction.

How many books can I loan?

You may currently loan 1 book at a time.

When can I change my books?

You may change your books in either your class library slot, or your break timeslot, ask your teacher if you are unsure of when this is.

What happens if you don’t have the book I want?

If there is a book you would love to see in our library, then let Mrs Milner know and she will do her best to get it on our shelves.

What happens if I loose or damage a book?

There is a charge of the cost of the book if it needs replacing or is badly damaged.

If you have any further questions, speak to Mrs Milner


Find Us

Ladybridge Primary School

Councillor Lane, Cheadle, Cheshire SK8 2JF

Emma Hill and Tom Bolan-Ashworth

T: 0161 428 5445
