
Curriculum at Ladybridge Primary School

The needs and backgrounds of our children, and the school’s core values, underpin all areas of our curriculum.

Our vision at Ladybridge Primary School is for all children to 'be the best that they can be', through demonstrating our core values of ‘showing respect, being resilient and aiming high’. We are committed to delivering a curriculum which enables all our children to become confident and ambitious, lifelong learners. We aim to develop our children’s skills and knowledge as well as encouraging curiosity, aspiration and a love of learning that will continue into adulthood. We aim to deliver a curriculum that is suited to our unique context. 


At Ladybridge it is our intention that children will have deep and interesting lessons in all subjects, all children have the ability to learn and achieve regardless of the their starting point. Children will learn respect through inclusive and non-judgmental lessons and by all staff proactively challenging attitudes such as racism, sexism and stereotypes. We have high expectations for all children to aim high, we teach resilience skills so that all children can achieve.

Our curriculum aims to develop our pupils by providing:

  • Respect –A curriculum that develops every child’s ability to care, respect and understand themselves, others and the world in which they live. A curriculum that also ensures that every child feels valued and cared for.
  • Aim High– A curriculum that provides a range of opportunities, designed to develop every child’s sense of what is possible for them to achieve now and in their future lives.
  • Resilience  – A curriculum that ensures all children have the skills, knowledge and crucially, the attitude to achieve in all aspects of their lives, persevering through challenges and misconceptions.  


Children will work collaboratively using Drama, active learning and Kagan strategies, shared projects and through assessment for learning opportunities such as peer and self-assessment. Children will explore subjects through deep questions, they will have differentiated challenges.


Children will be deeply engaged in their learning. They will make links between subjects and develop personal values that equip them to be good citizens. All children will make good progress. It is the expectation that all non-SEND children will achieve age related expectations; that children with barriers for learning will achieve and that more able children will be challenged to work at a higher level.

Nursery and Reception pupils follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum. Pupils in Years 1 to 6 follow the National Curriculum 2014 to ensure that children are taught aspects of subjects at an age-appropriate level. We use Kapow Units for: Science, Art and Design, Design Technology, History, Geography, Music and MFL (Spanish). We use the Stockport Agreed Syllabus for RE and PSHE Association units of work for PSHE. The schemes of work provide the content which satisfies the statutory requirements and recommendations of the Foundation Stage and the National Curriculum. Our curriculum is broad and balanced and aims to make good use of our extensive outdoor learning areas.

We aim to make our curriculum accessible to all pupils, regardless of their special educational needs or disabilities. Extra support from staff may be appropriate, but we believe it is important that all pupils experience and take part in the full range of subjects on offer. 

Our curriculum lead Mrs Amy Davies would be happy to discuss our curriculum offer with you. Please feel free to contact her on  alternatively contact the school office and we can arrange a time for you to meet.

Please click on your child's class page to find more details about what they will be learning about.

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Ladybridge Primary School

Councillor Lane, Cheadle, Cheshire SK8 2JF

Emma Hill and Tom Bolan-Ashworth

T: 0161 428 5445
