Pupil Wellbeing

At Ladybridge Primary School we have a Pastoral Team who are committed to removing barriers to learning and supporting both pupils and their families to reach their full potential. Miss Ratcliffe is our Pastoral Manager and Mrs Pickford is our Learning Mentor.

As well as being available to support pupils, Miss Ratcliffe works closely with agencies across Stockport Family, for example our School Nursing team. She is able to make referrals if parents are concerned about anything related to their child's health.

As part of the safeguarding team Miss Ratcliffe shares joint responsibility with the Head Teachers for safeguarding Ladybridge's pupils. Ladybridge Primary School takes its safeguarding responsibilities very seriously and Miss Ratcliffe is here to help with any concerns our pupils or our parents might have.

Mrs Pickford offers emotional wellbeing support to the pupils of Ladybridge. She is able support pupils with their emotional literacy, improving attendance, friendships, and is there if they need someone to talk to.

Our Pastoral team work closely with all of our staff, in particular our Wellbeing Lead Mrs Parker, to identify any pupils that may need some additional support. Work is then carried out to support these pupils either individually or as part of a group.

If you or your child are in need of support you can get in touch with our Pastoral Team by telephone 0161 428 5445 (option 3), via Class Dojo, or just pop in to school and ask for a chat.


Ladybridge Primary is a restorative school.

Our ethos is to work together to resolve issues and disputes, taking responsibility for our actions and developing a sense of empathy with others by holding restorative conversations.

Our Year 6 Restorative Ambassadors, who have been trained by Miss Ratcliffe in carrying out restorative conversations, monitor play times in our school. They encourage pupils to play together positively, intervene and resolve any issues as they arise and by wearing their Restorative Ambassador vests, provide a friendly face and reassurance to all the pupils at play times.

As well as play times, staff may call upon their assistance to help resolve issues that they believe they are more suited to deal with-quite often pupils respond better to peer advice and support.

Being a Restorative Ambassador is a responsible job but, one that our pupils love-just ask them!

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Find Us

Ladybridge Primary School

Councillor Lane, Cheadle, Cheshire SK8 2JF

Emma Hill and Tom Bolan-Ashworth

T: 0161 428 5445

E: headteacher@ladybridge.stockport.sch.uk