Resourced Provision

At Ladybridge Primary School, we have a Resource Base Provision. This provides support for children with an Education and Health Care Plan who require a combination of specialist provision and mainstream experiences.  

Where appropriate, children in our Resource class access provision in the mainstream school and continue to interact with their peers at break and lunch times, to support their academic progress and their social and emotional learning journey.  

If you wish to discuss this further please do not hesitate to contact our Resource teacher: Helen Parker on 0161 4285445

Which pupils can access Resourced SEND provision at Ladybridge Primary School?

Resourced provision at Ladybridge Primary School is for primary aged children with an Education, Health and Care Plan which describes complex needs, which may include severe and profound learning difficulties, autism, speech and language needs, global developmental delay, ADHD and attachment disorder, amongst others.

How does my child access this provision?

Places are allocated by the Local Authority, and the school is identified in the Education Health Care Plan.

What is the Resourced Provision at Ladybridge Primary School?

Ladybridge Primary School has a resourced provision within the mainstream school which provides education for children with an Education, Health and Care Plan. Ladybridge Resourced provision is made up of one SEND class, the pupils have access to two separate rooms in addition to a purpose built outside area.

The children are taught by a SEND team of teachers and teaching assistants.

Ordinarily, the pupils in the Resource class participate in individualised target focused lessons in the morning, in their resource classroom. Where appropriate, Resource pupils access the wider curriculum in their year group classroom, with their mainstream peers. They can also access assemblies, playtimes and lunchtimes with the mainstream classes.


What are the benefits for my child attending Ladybridge Primary Resourced Provision?

The SEND Resourced provision is in the centre of Ladybridge Primary School. Your child can access smaller class sizes with more adult support who tailor the curriculum to meet individual needs.

Lessons are delivered on a one to one, or small group basis. Opportunities to build relationships with mainstream peers during afternoon sessions, assemblies, break and lunchtimes.

The curriculum looks at the development of the whole child using multi-sensory approaches. 

It has access to outside agencies with weekly visits from speech and language therapists.

These vulnerable children thrive on continuity and consistency within the classroom. This encourages the making of relationships and establishment of routines.

We engage in frequent communication with parents to involve you in the whole education of your child.

Teachers and TAs are trained to deliver a wide range of intervention programmes.

What specialist services or expertise do you access?

As a school we work closely with all external agencies that we feel are relevant to individual children’s needs within our school including: – Stockport Inclusion Service, School Nurse, Educational Psychologist, Paediatricians, Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists, and Social Care including: Social Workers and Family Support Workers. 

How do I know how well my child is doing?

You will be informed of your child’s progress and targets set at review meetings, parent’s evenings and through the annual school report.

We promote communication between school staff and parents on Dojo and verbally with daily updates.

Find Us

Ladybridge Primary School

Councillor Lane, Cheadle, Cheshire SK8 2JF

Emma Hill and Tom Bolan-Ashworth

T: 0161 428 5445
