
Good attendance at school is absolutely vital so that children make good progress in all areas. We work with all families to support them in ensuring good attendance at school.  All parents are given a copy of the school’s attendance procedures which aim to promote high attendance and punctuality and, therefore, to improve children’s achievement. These procedures have been approved by the Governing Body.

If your child is late, please bring them to the office. You will be asked sign your child in electronically, including the time your child arrived at school and the reason for the late arrival.

Parents are asked to inform school by phone or report on the School Spider app on the first day of a child’s absence. The office staff will call anyone on first day of absence if no message is received.

Please contact school if you are expecting your child to be off for more than 15 school days, due to a medical condition, so that a referral to the Home:Hospital Teaching Service can be made.

Each half term each child will bring home their register sheet colour-coded Red, Amber and Green relating to their level of attendance.

Pupils who maintain 97- 100% attendance in a half-term are given certificates and are entered into a pize draw at our Going for Green assembly.

Our School Age Plus Worker and Education Welfare Officer monitor the school registers half termly. If attendance is unsatisfactory, contact will be made with parents, a home visit may be made or the Headteacher may invite parents into school to discuss the matter.


Find Us

Ladybridge Primary School

Councillor Lane, Cheadle, Cheshire SK8 2JF

Emma Hill and Tom Bolan-Ashworth

T: 0161 428 5445
