PSHE at Ladybridge Primary School


It is our intention that PSHE and Well-being education has a high priority at Ladybridge School. Children will have safe and effective lessons that are age appropriate for primary aged children.

PSHE will be embedded in the school core values of aiming high, resilience and respect and will help all pupils, parents, carers, staff and governors to achieve the school motto ‘Be the best that you can be’.


The Governing body, SLT and school staff will ensure that all PSHE related policies are active, visible and understood by themselves, children and families.

All policies will be inclusive for everyone and meets the needs of everyone in school. Support will be provided for vulnerable children and adults as needed.

Training for adults working in school and information events for parents and carers will ensure a deeper and greater understanding of a curriculum designed to promote skills needed for living in the wider world.


  • Our PSHE Matrix runs across all year groups in school and covers all key aspects as outlined in the PSHE Association documentation.
  • PSHE/Circles is taught across school twice a week.
  • Weekly assemblies focus on PSHE related themes.
  • Subject Lead attends all network meetings and relays current information and guidance back to all staff.
  • Policies are kept up to date in line with current guidance.
  • We are a Restorative school and have a core team of Restorative Ambassadors.
  • We aim to work ‘with’ each other.
  • We have a HUB and experienced staff – Learning Mentor and Pastoral Manager.
  • We offer self-help materials and signpost to services as needed.
  • School website has information relating to PSHE and Well-being.
  • Refer pupils/work closely with outside support agencies such as Primary Jigsaw/School nurse/HYMS.
  • We have regular events to promote effective partnerships between school and home – Halloween disco, Beach Party, curriculum mornings, stay and play etc.


Children will be well prepared for, the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences in later life. They will have a sense of their own and other’s moral, spiritual, cultural, mental and physical development.

They will know how to look after themselves and each other and have a sense of good well-being and happiness in their own skin yet will know where to seek advice and support when they feel vulnerable.

All pupils, parents, carers, staff, and governors will feel inclusive and valued.


  • Pupil voice – Children talk about themselves and about their learning
  • Class assemblies/Key stage performances
  • Positive feedback from parents at parents evenings/PCR meetings
  • Well-being survey tool
  • Circle time/check-ins
  • Sharing information – HUB/Pastoral staff with whole staff
  • TAF assessments

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Find Us

Ladybridge Primary School

Councillor Lane, Cheadle, Cheshire SK8 2JF

Emma Hill and Tom Bolan-Ashworth

T: 0161 428 5445
