Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) - Provision at Ladybridge Primary
Here are Frequently Asked Questions regarding SEND provision at Ladybridge Primary. Select any question for a detailed description of how we address particular concerns of parents.
If you need further information, please contact Emily Burke (SENCo), Emma Hill or Tom Bolan-Ashworth (Co-headteachers)
Further information for parents and carers of children in the Resource base is available using this link – Ladybridge Primary School Resource Offer.
Files to Download
1 How does the school know if children need extra help? 2 What should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs? 3 How will school staff support my child? 6 How are the school's resources allocated and matched to the needs of the SEND child? 4 How will the curriculum be matched to my child's needs? 5 How are decisions made about the type and level of support that my child will need? 7 How will you help me support my child's learning? 8 How are parents involved in the school How can I be involved in the school? 9 How will my child be able to contribute their views? 10 How will school and I know how my child is doing? 13 Pupils with medical needs? 12 How accessible is the school environment? 11 How will the school prepare my child for joining the school and transferring to a new school? 14 What training in supporting children and young people with SEND have the staff had or are having? 15 How will my child be included in activities outside of the classroom including school trips? 16 What support will there be there for my child's overall well-being? 18 What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the school? 17 What support is there for behaviour, avoiding exclusions and increasing attendance? 19 What should I do if I want to raise an issue or a complaint about provision for SEND pupils at Ladybridge Primary School? 20 Who can I contact for further information?