Information from School

For information about what each class are learning, please visit our Curriculum section – What we are learning this year.

Availability of School Policies and Other Information

Parents can have access to all school policies and schemes of work, planning, National Curriculum documents, records and DfE information. Please ask the Headteacher who will arrange for you to obtain a copy or to borrow any documentation, as long as this is not in breach of the Data Protection Act.

Settled status
If families need to apply for settled status please see the attached link on how to apply for it.  It is a lengthy process and it would be beneficial for families to start this process soon if they think they are affected.

Road Safety

We have attached some files aimed at year 6 children transitioning to high school called "Eyes Up, Slow Down, Cross Safely".  The is also a file aimed at all children and parents which provides information on cycling routes, safety advice and training tips.


Files to Download

Find Us

Ladybridge Primary School

Councillor Lane, Cheadle, Cheshire SK8 2JF

Emma Hill and Tom Bolan-Ashworth

T: 0161 428 5445
